Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by including your own personality into your posting. Social media started as a venue to share personal experiences and preferences. Being a small business owner, much of your business depends on you so if your posts are sterile and solely sales related - your fans never develop a relationship with you.
Getting Personal
Most business pages post about products and services as well as helpful information. We encourage you to include a picture or quote that integrates personality into your page. This will also help stimulate your fans to interact with your posts.
• Picture of your staff - could even be a goofy pose
• Picture from a local event you attended personally or as a business.
• Favorite quote
• Reiterate your mission statement (keep it to just a sentence or two)
• Personal success or milestone (ie: Finished a marathon, turned 50 or caught a huge fish)
Beware of TMI (Too Much Information)
Occasionally, we see businesses get too personal on their business page. It's okay to post 25 pictures of your new grandkid on your personal Facebook page but not so professional on your fan page. It's okay to mention that you will be traveling but refrain from telling everyone that your sick and contageous. Remember, everything you do is 'Sales'. Always take a mental accounting of how a new or current client could interpret your post. Will it make you look good or bad?
We recommend avoiding posts that...
• Are political or overly religions - your fans may not agree with you and this could alienate them.
• Reference bodily functions - aside from mentioning how you spit out your soda when you won the lottery, most of us don't want these kinds of details.
• Are long 'journal-type' entries - if it relates to business, then write a blog and post a link. If it's about what you did that day, keep it on your personal page.
• Are depressing - Yes, the economy is tough and business might be slow but this will NOT help your business. Always make your fans believe your products and services are in demand.
Time for Action
Now is the time - don't put it off until later - take 5 minutes or less to post a picture, mission statement or quote that adds personality to your business page. It only takes 5 minutes!
Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
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